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Zack checked his phone once again, apprehension building up in his chest. There was no mistake, this is the address he was given. His new supplier should be arriving shortly.

Getting oxycodipine was a lot harder than it seemed. While it wasn’t illegal – like most neutroactivators – it’s not like you could find it in just any drugstore. And worse of all, it was almost impossible to buy it without being noticed.

Zack just wished his manager would provide him with some, as it was her money on the line. But alas, he had to be the one doing the negotiating.

He looked at his phone again for what must have been the sixth time, until the sound of a car caught his attention.

It must be him, Zack thought.

He watched the car park on the other side of the street, and out came a man who seemed about Zack’s own age. He was dressed in black leather, and there was a small paper bag dangling from his hand.

“Yo,” Zack greeted.

The other man remained silent as he took a drag from a cigarette. He watched Zack for a few moments, and his green eyes almost seemed to glow along with the street lamps. He put his cigarette out, and began to walk towards Zack.

“Hello,” he said. “Are you Zack?”

Zack smiled. “Yup, that’s me.” He offered a hand to the other man.

The man stood still, as if unsure about the greeting. But then he decided to take it and shake Zack’s hand.

“I’m Hayden.”

“Well, nice doing business with you, Hayden,” Zack said.

There was a pause, and silence hung uncomfortably between the two. This guy didn’t seem like the talkative type, which was usually a good sign in this situation.

“So…” Zack continued. “Do you have it?”

“Yeah,” Hayden said. He then lifted the paper bag.

Zack nodded, and promptly pulled a roll of cash from his back pocket. He began to count the bills. “How much?”

“Eleven hundred,” Hayden said curtly.

One thousand and a hundred whole silvers. An absurd amount to pay for any drug, legal or otherwise. But this was not the typical over the counter stuff.

Zack slowly looked up from his bills. “Eleven hundred.”

He handed the cash over, and Hayden quickly took it from his hand. That bag better damn be worth its weight in silvers.

Hayden handed the bag in return, and Zack smiled. The weight was there alright. He cautiously opened the bag to peruse its contents.

And there it was. Ten glass vials, full of a blue oily substance. Oxycodipine in its purest form. Zack looked up from the bag.

“That seems like the right amount,” he said. “Well, I’ll be seeing you.”

He was ready to turn around and leave when he heard Hayden speak.

“Are you some rich guy who's planning a party or something? What the hell are you going to do with all that juice?”

Zack glanced at him one last time before leaving. “Just tune in on Channel 5 next week, and you’ll see.”

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