Fiyo Thalore

Fiyo Thalore is an island located north of Arofea. It is the home of the Thalorans. The island is known for its connection to mana and spirits, since it is home to the Mana Spool river, which is a rare case of a mana river being located above the surface.

There are three major cities in Fiyo Thalore:

Kariphox is considered the capital, and it was stabilished in 2901 RE, when Thalorans first settled in Fiyo Thalore. It is the oldest city in the island, and also the biggest. It's a trading hub among the Thaloran people, as well as the nobility hub. It's not uncommon seeing the inhaitants of Kariphox don jewelry all over their bodies.

Unanthe Oyni is also a big trading hub. It was first built in 3006 RE as a port town, and it receives a lot of visitors from outside the island.

Zargox Oyni is another of the big cities, and is it known for its sizeable ore mines. Because of this, it became known as a town of blacksmiths, and the weapons produced here are the best in the entire island. Zargox Oyni was built in 3062 RE.
