
Odiem is a fictional world created by me. Here you'll find some information about its cultures, locations and even the characters that inhabit it.

About the world

Odiem is similar to Earth in some aspects, especially in its flora and fauna. It is what would be classified as a "high fantasy world," in which there is magic and fantastic species living alongside those that exist in the real world. The lore includes a mix of scientific, sociopolitic and esoteric elements. I have been formally working on this worldbuilding project since 2019, but it's based on ideas I had even before then.

This world was born out of my fascination with linguistics, geography, biology, archeology and astronomy; as well as my interests in mythology and other esoteric matters, such as tarot and astrology.

About the wiki

This website is hosted by neocities, and thus not a real wiki. All content on this website is created by me, and that includes all the writing and images.

The content in this wiki falls under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License, which basically means that you are allowed to use this content on your own personal projects on the condition that you credit me (preferably by linking to this site,) and don't make money off of it.

This website contains content that is not appropriate for children. Certain images contain non sexual nudity.

Best viewed on desktop! To see images in their fullsize, just click on them and they should open in a new tab. Alternatively, you can drag them to the search bar.

The image in the banner belongs to NASA.


Total pages in this wiki: 18


Humanoid species





Other concepts

Usage FAQ

All content on this website is my Intelectual Property, meaning that I am the sole copyright holder. If you have any inquiries about it, you can email me at deimosphoibus[at]gmail.com.

"Intelectual Property" sounds like a scary term, but all it means is that I get to keep control over my creations. You are allowed to use under my terms, and as the license states, the only thing you can't do is try to make money off of it.

Can I write fiction/draw art based on Odiem?
Yes, you can. If you do, show it to me! I'd love to see what you make.

Can I use Odiem's lore in my personal roleplay group/TTRPG campaign?
Yes, you can use the setting and lore in your personal roleplays.

Can I use the setting in my TTRPG campaing that's going to be livestreamed, or recorded in a podcast?
No. If you plan to record your games and broadcast it to an audience, I ask that you get in touch with me first, using the email address suppled above.

Can I create a book, game or movie based on Odiem, and sell it?
No. You are not allowed to use Odiem's setting and lore for anything commercial, and that includes selling books or games based around it.