
Dagrins are a humanoid race native to Gallea. They have originated in the Tarkol area, being descendants from demigods. Dagrins have a reputation of being fierce warriors. They are not as widespread as humans or elves, being considered a rarer sight. They have spread throughout both continents, although many dagrins still live in their ancestral homeland of Tarkol.


Dagrins are medium sized humanoids, being able to reach 1.70 meters tall on average, with the tallest dagrins reaching the 2 meter mark. They have pointed ears, which are covered in fur. Their sense of hearing is excellent, and they are able to hear the sound of a leaf hitting the ground 10 meters away.

They also possess a tail, which is fully covered in fur. Typically, the fur of a dagrin is the same color as their hair, such that they make no distinction between fur and hair in their languages. Dagrin fur comes in six colors: black, blue, silver, rust, brown and golden. They are not able to spot any markings in their skin or fur. Their skin color can range from pale to dark brown.

Dagrins also have sharp nails, similar to claws, and pointed canines. Their nails are sturdy, and they are able to be used as weapons in a pinch.

Similar to the other races, their lifespan can reach about a century.


In the year 189 RE, the goddess Zume had travelled to the region known as Tarkol. She noticed that several humans lived there, and so she wanted to offer them guidance. This was still the time when gods could easily communicate with mortals, and so Zume could listen to their pleas. Each of the clans living in the area had demands for her. They all wanted strong warriors so they could battle each other for supremacy.

Zume is the goddess of creation and health, and so she could not grant them their wish. She simply made sure that all the warriors remained in good health. She remained there for centures. One day, she fell in love with the god of hunt Venari, and the two conceived a child named Nokcho. He was born with a long tail and a strong body, and he had a kind demeanour despite his beastly appearance.

Nokcho would also swear to protect the people of Tarkol, as he considered the prarie to be his home. The humans would worship him, and as a minor god he couldn't do much for them as his mother could. But still, he became known as the protector of Tarkol.

One day, Nokcho fell in love with a human maiden. Her name was Ylanthe, and she was a simple woman who worked as a seamstress. He courted her, and eventually earned her love. Ylanthe took her seat next to his as the protector of Tarkol. In the year 544 RE the two had six children, all demigods.

The children were raised by the clans, and they successfully grew to become warriors. Their blood was powerful and it wasn't long before they bore offspring of their own, by eloping with the local population. Their children were just as strong, and went on to become just as powerful in battle.

And so, the first dagrin clans were born: Kuzwe, of silver fur; Ghoma, of black fur; Ogwe, of blue fur; Anoghk, of rust fur; Nektrye, of golden fur; and Weika, of brown fur. The clans were named after each of the original demigods.

After many years, the original dagrin clans were dissolved, after war and conquest. The original demigods died after so many battles. And each of the survivors would form clans of their own. Before the Rift Era was over, all dagrin lineages had miscigenated, and the orignal clans nearly forgotten. However, the original clan names are still used to describe the six fur colors.
