
Gallea is the northernmost continent in Odiem. It was created during the Rift Era when the gods Phrenia and Oekhan fought and split the main continent apart.

Oekhan laid claim to the Gallea continent, and its inhabitants became humans. Later during the Rift Era, the dagrins came to be on the eastern lands. Since then, Gallea is home to humans, dagrins and elves.


The heart of Gallea is home to a hilly grassland, and it's dotted with several forests and woodlands. To the north, there is a mountain range.

On the southern part, there is a massive desert. And further east, there's an archipelago.


Here is a list of cultures present in Gallea, listed in order of time periods. The year listed in the year in which a specific country or kingdom had been stabilished as its own distint cultural identity.

Rift Era (RE)


Discovery Era (DE)

1006 DE:Ashk'nar

2164 DE: Vilkare

2685 DE: Owaniel

Fire Era (FE)


Umbral Era (UE)

