
Vilkare is a country located entirely within a penninsula in western Gallea. It is mostly inhabited by elves, who first arrived on the penninsula in the year 2164 DE. The first elves to arrive in the penninsula were those who had split from Viekre, who lived in the region known as Owaniel.

It was a part of the Ishverian Empire from the year 2410 DE until 2673 DE, but they were able to keep their culture intact despite it. When Owaniel first reconquered a vast portion of Ishverion, Vilkare remained within Owanyr territory. Since then, treaties have been made until Vilkare was considered its own state, although they remained close allies with the kingdom of Owaniel for a long time, as they also fought in the war for independence against Ishverion. Part of the penninsula still belongs to Owaniel.

Vilkare was a lot more resistant to Ishverian occupation, and because of this their government system remained practically unchanged.

They are divided into many tribal villages, each which are led by a village chief. This chief is an active member of the community, and often has a job such as warrior, hunter, farmer, etc. The chief is always considered the most skilled in their field. They can be male or female, and they must be able bodied in order to carry out their task.

When a chief becomes too old to be considered fully able bodied, or if they become disabled by injuries, they will retire into the village elder position, and appoint someone else to be the chief. This decision is always respected, but if a chief dies before they can appoint someone new, then it can become a cause of conflict in the village. Some villages have disbanded because of this.

The role of the village elder is more of an advisor, and they can guide both the chief as well as the rest of the villagers. Some villages have more than one elder, but they all used to be the chief at some point.

Once a year, the chief, elders and the strongest warriors will travel to Vilkare's capital, Anolterok, to discuss things with other villages.

The capital is ruled by a Supreme Chief, who oversees the workings of the capital and the whole of Vilkare. Despite being called a capital, it is the village with the least number of inhabitants. It is home only to a temple, and a diplomacy hall. All villagers work in maintaining the temple, which is dedicated to Kanor, the god of Blood.

Once the supreme chief retires, they will appoint a new supreme chief out of the village chiefs.

There are many Vilkare elves who travel to the capital to visit its temple, as it is the largest temple in the entire region. Kanor is the only god worshipped by the Vilkare, and it is a taboo to worship other gods. The only ones who do it are immigrants.