List of Known Deities

Major Deities

Oekhan: One of the first deities to set foot in Odiem, alongside Phrenia. Oekhan is associated with the sun and the day, it usually appears as a man when in human form. Oekhan is also versed in the mental domains and rational thought, known to grant knowledge for those who seek it.

Phrenia: It has set foot in Odiem alongside Oekhan. Unlike it counterpart, Phrenia is associated with the moon and the night, and usually appears as a woman in human form. It is known for having power in the realm of dreams, sometimes appearing to mortals while they are sleeping. It is also associated with shadows and darkness.

Coerko: A god associated primarily with the Sky. It arrived on Odiem a little after Oekhan and Phrenia did. Coerko can be quite distant at times, often forgetting about the rest of all creation as he keeps to himself.
When in human form, he has the appearance of an athletic young man, with a luxurious white mane sprouting from his head. His eyes are a solid blue during the day, and they change colors as the day goes by; becoming grey during storms, and red during sunsets. He has two pairs of feathery wings on his back, the pair on top being slightly bigger.

Telumnia: Considered the goddess of earth and land. She often appears as a kind woman to mortals, but her fury is also known. It is responsible for the islands that scatter around the continents, as sometimes she will move the landmasses with her immense power, causing shattering earthquakes.

Tonhak: Considered by many the god of time. This deity is slow moving, and eternally patient. They don’t keep in touch with the other deities, preferring to wait and see what happens. Some say that they are the most powerful out of all primordial deities, and the wisest as well. At first glance they look frail and delicate, almost as if one could snap their limbs apart. Their eyes are completely white, almost the same color as their skin. They have long, straight hair, silver in color.

Vanome: They are associated with the void, be it the void of space or just feelings of emptyness. Not much is known about Vanome's appearance, as they keep themselves shrouded in a dark cloak, away from view.

G'korma'oss: Also known as The Judge by many. He is considered the god of death, and he rules over mortal's souls. His job is to judge mortals when they die, according do the things they did in life. One can trust his judgement to always be just, for better or for worse. The Judge has a grey beard, several meters in length. His face is skeletal in appearance, and he always wears a tall golden crown on top of his head.

Dhekius: God of Warfare. Dhekius appears as male most of the time, although seeing them as female is not uncommon. Male Dhekius is associated with war and victory on the battlefield, while female Dhekius is associated with blood and funeral rites. Common symbols associated with Dhekius are swords, shields, spears and sometimes crossbows; and they are usually wearing metal armor adorned with vulture feathers.

Vedis: God of Harvest and Fertility. Vedis often appears as a woman with dark hair that reaches the ground, usually tied in a braid or wrapped around their body. They are closely associated with nature, and their associated symbols are different types of grain and wildflowers. Worshippers of Vedis will often eat wildflowers mixed in with their grain during special occasions. Their domain also includes health on a lesser degree. As female, Vedis oversees childbirth and is often invoked when one wishes for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Male Vedis is invoked by their worshippers who seek help in conceiving, as well as in cases of sexual disfunction.

Iustum: God of Justice. Usually appears as male, and always dressed in white or golden garb. This deity is almost too cold hearted in the way they interact with the world, and is worshipped by many kingdoms in exchange for guidance in the matters of judgement and royal disputes.

Aecor: God of Sea and Voyage. Usually worshipped by sailors who ask for good luck during their travels. Aecor usually appears as a man, although they are never too far from the water. Their appearance can be altered by the ocean, sometimes iridescent scales will appear all over their body, other times they will have barnacles and corals growing on their body. Aecor also likes to take the shape of sea creatures, such as whales or even the shape of a great leviathan. Sometimes, it shows up in its humanoid form with a large fishtail in the place of its legs.

Zume: Dagrin goddess associated with Creation and Health. Zume is considered the all mother of the Dagrin, for it is said that the ancestors of the Dagrin are the children of Zume, sired by Venari. Because of this, some Dagrin tribes worship Venari as well. She usually appears as a human woman, but sometimes can take the shape of a panther or a lion.

Minor Deities

Venari: God of Nature and Hunt. He is the son of Vedis and Nychta. Usually considered a wild spirit, many hunter-gatherer cultures worship him so that he may protect the wildlife from diseases.

Nokcho: Dagrin god associated with blood and war, son of Zume and Venari. The Dagrin of Tarkol will spill blood in his name, although he doesn’t accept the blood of innocents. Nokcho appears as a somewhat androgynous male, and he shares many features of the Dagrin such as their tail and ears. Some believe that he should be considered the true father of the Dagrin people, because they share his blood, and most of their demigod ancestors were sired by him.

Yurkipos: A wild god associated with revelry and occasionally with senseless, passionate violence. He is the son of Telumnia and Dhekius. Yurkipos often appears as a bipedal humanoid, with a face resembling that of a monkey with long fangs protruding from under his bottom lip. He has a long prehensile tail and a wild mane, both light brown in color.

Kanor: God of Blood and Earth, he is the son of Telumnia and Vedis.

Weos: God of Deserts, although some worship him in the name of warfare as well. He is the son of Oekhan and Vanome. Weos lived alone in a desert for thousands of years, content in his solitude until the mortals of Ashk'nar began to worship him. Since them, he has grown arrogant seeing as he was the only one who allowed these mortals to survive in the desert.

Ullara: Goddess of Light. She is the daughter of Istum, sired by Coerko.