
A demigod is the offspring between a deity and a mortal. A true deity cannot mate with a mortal, since merely touching one is enough to kill them. Thus, demigods are the offspring of minor deities only.

They are still mortal, but are typically stronger than regular mortals. For example:

- A demigod is strong enough to lift a large boulder over their head;

- They are able to run for several miles and not get tired;

- They are capable of surviving massive blows from weapons, as well as falling from a great distance;

- Their wounds heal much faster than those of a regular mortal. Their flesh is also harder to pierce and their bones are harder to break.

Demigods are slightly bigger than regular mortals. They live longer as well, being able to reach 150 years of age. After reaching their 20s, they appear to age at a slower rate.

All demigods share these traits, regardless of their divine heritage. They are also not capable of wielding magic.

When a demigod has a child with another demigod, the resulting offspring will inherit the enhanced abilities of its parents. In the case of a demigod having a child with a regular mortal, the offspring will not be as powerful as their demigod parent. They will be slighly stronger than the average mortal, but not exceptionally so.


Demigods can have elven, human or dagrin lineages. However, when a deity mates with a thaloran, the resulting offspring is a demispirit.

It is a creature that resembles a thaloran in appearance. Demispirits are able to wield magic, and they are powerful mana wielders as they can combine the black or white magic of their thaloran parent, with the divine magic of their deity parent.

This magic is not as powerful as that of a god, but it is enough to make them feared and respected. Demispirits are also more chaotic than a thaloran would be, sometimes behaving erratically as if guided by instincts or madness.

Their skin and hair glows slighly, in many different hues. They always inherit the eye color from their thaloran parent, and their eyes glow strongly in a solid color.

Demispirits cannot be born away from the Mana Spool.