
Arofea is the southernmost continent in Odiem. It was created during the Rift Era when the gods Phrenia and Oekhan fought and split the main continent apart.

Phrenia laid claim to the Arofea continent, and its inhabitants became elves. It has seen been populated with many different cultures, and it is now the home to both humans and elves, as well as some dagrin people as well. It is also the home of the thalorans.


Arofea is rich with lush forests and jungles. The southern portion of the continent is home to mountainous tundras.

There are drier lands in the northern coastline, which form a dry mountainous region in one of the peninsulas.

It is home to the Mana Spool, which spans almost the entire length of the Fiyo Thalore island in the north of the continent.


Here is a list of cultures present in Arofea, listed in order of time periods. The year listed in the year in which a specific country or kingdom had been stabilished as its own distint cultural identity.

Rift Era (RE)

2901 RE: Fiyo Thalore

Discovery Era (DE)


Fire Era (FE)

274 FE: Libetri

Umbral Era (UE)

