
Dragons are powerful beings resulting from the union between a Deity and a Drake. Generally, they are long lived but not immortal, and some dragons have powers over the elements. They are one of the few beings in Odiem capable of manipulating magic, aside from deities themselves and Thalorans.

True deities can take the form of any creature, and some prefer to take the form of drakes. Drakes are capable of mating with true deities and surviving, unlike the Arimphean races. They are often simple minded beasts, while dragons are intelligent and capable of magic. Some drakes are capable of breathing fire, although that is caused by the combustion of gases in their digestive system and is not the result of magic.

Despite their similar origins, dragons are not considered demigods.


They usually have reptilian features, their bodies are covered in scales that resemble those of a snake. They are also extremely large, being able to reach 20 meters in height. Most dragons have wings. Depending on the type of dragon, they can have up to three pairs of wings, usually the most powerful dragons.

Some dragons prefer to live deep within the ocean, their wings being shaped like fins which help them swim.

Their paws can resemble those of a feline, or a bird. They have long claws, and are capable of holding objects with them. The more powerful dragons also have six legs.

The appearance of a dragon can vary greatly depending on their divine heritage.

Types of Dragon

Dragons can be divided into many subtypes, depending on the aspect of their powers. They typically inherit powers of their divine parent.

When a true deity mates with a drake, the offspring can be considered a "true dragon." Dragons which are the offspring of minor deities are generally less powerful, and behave similarly to their drake parents. They can be very emotional and act mostly on instinct, although they can sometimes be reasoned with.

Among the true dragons, there are two types:
- When a female drake mates with a true deity, she lays a single egg. This egg contains legendary amounts of mana within, and can be fatal for the drake laying it, and to anyone who eats a large amount of it. The dragon born from this egg has a lifespan of 2,000 years.
- When a male drake mates with a true deity, the deity will lay an egg while it is in its drake form. This egg is so powerful with mana that even touching it is enough to kill any mortal creature. The dragon born from it has a lifespan of 6,000 years, and it is incredibly powerful. These dragons are generally rarer.

Dragons born from minor deities have a lifespan of about 600 years.

Life stages

Dragons become more powerful as they grow older. A dragon goes through many life stages, and it matures twice in life.

• A newborn dragon is a hatchling. It looks and behaves exactly like a drake hatching, and its scales are soft and pinkish. After a few months, the hatchling's scales will harden, revealing the color and patterns they will have on adulthood.

• After 3 years, the dragon will reach its juvenile stage, and will stand at 5 meters in height. During this stage, it can attempt to fly. It is also during this stage that dragons start to stand apart from drakes; while drakes generally stop growing at this stage, a dragon will keep growing. Its scales also gain a iridescent sheen, indicating their divine heritage.

• After 7 years, the dragon will reach its mature stage. By this point it is considered an adult, and it has reached 10 meters of height. The dragon will be able to mate at this age, similar to a drake. An adult dragon will be able to learn language and be reasoned with, but their emotions and instincts often get the best of them. These dragons are the most hated, because of their incredible size and volatile whims, they often attack unsuspecting settlements and are difficult to kill.

• After 20 years have passed, the dragon will be capable of wielding magic. This is considered the "second adulthood," as it has matured its magic abiliies. Its scales will begin glow and it will be able to inbue magic to its firebreathing ability. These dragons have whims and behave very similarly to humans. They are easier to be reasoned with, but many are arrongant. This is also the point where a dragon has reached its final height.

• After 100 years, the dragon will have total control of its magic, and is able to wield it in other ways aside from their breath ability. These dragons are very wise due to their age, and rarely submit themselves to their whims and impulses. Some dragons are kind and understanding, while other are hateful. However, despite their disposition, it will always consider what is best before attacking.

• After 500 years, some dragons gain an extra pair of wings. The dragon no longer grows in size, but rather in power.

• After 1000 years, true dragons typically gain their third pair of wings.

• The dragons that reach 5000 years of age are often stoic and melancholic. They isolate themselves from the world, often spending years in a deep hibernation stage, hidden away in their lairs. Their scales start to lose the glow they once had, and it gains the appearance of a stone. These scales are the hardest material in Odiem. These dragons speak slowly, and often ramble about things that only they know of, as if they are beginning to lose their faculties. They have the power to easily destroy anything on Odiem, but they are also difficult to anger.

When a dragon dies of natural causes, it will usually be huddled deep down its lair. The body will decompose like any creature of flesh and bone.