
Odiem is a rocky planet that orbits the star Khronoss. It was first formed from rocks and gas that gathered around Khronoss, similarly to the other 6 planets within its solar system.

Odiem is the word for "world" in the original Arimphean language.

The year (translation) and day (rotation) lengths in Odiem are the same as they are in our Earth.


The Primordial Era

Odiem is actually older than its deities, having first formed 4.3 billion years before the Primordial Era. The first signs of life appeared one billion years before the Primordial Era.

However, the beginning of the Primordial Era is marked by the arrival of the deities in Odiem. The first deities to arrive were the Oekhan and Phrenia, two twins often associated with the Sun and the Moon. This era is often signified with a "PE" after the year number.

Upon arriving in Odiem, the deities marveled at the nature and the creatures that inhabited it. Their attention was grabbed by one of the primate creatures, and they were endeared to it. Those ancient beings could walk on two legs, which allowed them to use their arms to carry things like food and tools. They were agile and extremely resilient, and had no fur on their bodies like the other mammals.

The deities then gave these creatures the gift of language, and named them Arimphea. The Arimphea would then give names to everything else, using their new gift of language. This language also allowed them to talk to the deities.

At that time, Odiem was comprised of a single continent, which was also called Odiem, after the word for "earth" or "world" in the Arimphean language. Because of this, the Arimphea were able to spread through every corner, and their cultures began to diversify. However, they would always use their unified language to speak with the deities, even if several dialects had formed over the years.

The Primordial Era ended after 10,000 years.

The Rift Era

The Rift Era begun when Oekhan and Phrenia fell into a bitter disagreement, which caused them to fight. This fight marked the beginning of the Rift Era as well as the end of the Primordial Era. The Rift Era is signified with a "RE" after the year number.

The fight caused the single continent Odiem to be separated into two; these new continents became known as Gallea and Arofea. The deities were still bitter, and would remain so for 3,400 years. The Arimphea would soon divide themselves as well, each one of them pledging loyalty to one deity.

Those who stayed with Oekhan became known as humans, and those who stayed with Phrenia became known as elves. For the entirety of the Rift Era, humans would dwell in Gallea while elves lived in Arofea. Thus, the two groups ceased communicating and eventually became unaware of each other's existence.

As the cultures and languages diversified and evolved further, the original Arimphean language became lost to time. Because of this, many people were unable to communicate with the deities.

The other species of Odiem begun cropping up during the Rift Era as well: Dagrins first appeared in 544 RE; and Thalorans appeared in 2890 RE.

The Rift Era ended after 10,000 years.

The Dicovery Era

This era is marked by the first contact between humans and elves. It begun when the Irias people arrived on the shores of Arofea, and initiated contact with the Koreli elves. The two cultures would mingle for hundreds of years, until Irias became a kingdom, and then an empire.

Eventually, elves and humans became more and more aware of each other, as they would travel between Gallea and Arofea. Most of these expeditions were unrelated to one another, it just so happened that the Irias-Koreli contact was the first between humans and elves.

The Discovery Era lasted about 7,000 years. It is signified with a "DE" after the year number.

The Fire Era

The Fire Era begun when the dragons waged war against the deities. This war lasted 9 years, and it ended with dragons losing and going nearly extinct because of it. This era is signified with a "FE" after the year number.

The Fire Era lasted about 7,600 years.

The Umbral Era

The most recent Era in Odiem's history. It is signified with a "UE" after the year number. This Era is marked by the increase of Divine Decay in the world, meaning that nearly all deities had gone dormant or died.
